Repetitive patterns

When some pattern keeps showing up in your life, and you want to shift it, you need to stop blaming other people.

Well, actually you need to stop blaming others for in your life, but let’s start with the basics.

Patterns come up because something in your energy/belief system/behavior keeps attracting the same things. Or you just subconsciously keep doing what manifests what you don’t want.

For example, if you keep attracting people that lie to you, or are rude, or bosses that you hate (only a few examples from the never ending catalogue). You can’t just say this is how people are, or that they keep doing this to you, or that you are unlucky.

This is how the people/situations you attract from the level of vibration/awareness that you are in. I see a lot of people doing the same with the opposite sex.

Men say that women are…(difficult to understand?, weird? From Venus? Etc).
Women say that men are…(cruel? only want sex?from Mars? Etc)

The proof though is around you if you open your eyes to see that this is not true. Some might be. But definitely not all.

Have you ever thought that maybe you keep falling for the same type of woman/man?

Have you ever thought that maybe you have the same exact behavior with all the previous relationships that didn’t work for you?

If no… And if you want to shift this pattern… Time to think about it and do something about it. Blaming others is not the solution to your problem. Healing and releasing the patterns that hold you back are.

Taking power of your life is. And yes, you can do this!

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