“Over the last year through our sessions with Anastasia I have seen myself change for the better in so many ways. And for the first time ever I can say I am glad for the journey of my life. Our last session was amazing and transformational. Dear Anastasia, I never thought these things were possible. Now I know” Nancy Giannaki, Web Developer
Nancy GiannakiUI / UX Designer 
“Anastasia's energy is so graceful and beautiful!!
I received an Akashic Record reading from her and was so validated by everything she said to me.
She is so in tuned to the Records, to my energy and made me feel so comfortable and gave me guidance that I wouldn't have realized myself. She also gave me homework to do! I love that because it helps me get to my next step!!
I gained so much clarity for what to do next especially with sensitive information I wasn't sure I wanted to share but her energy made it so easy and trusted I felt I could tell her anything.”
Van T. NguyenSpiritual Life Coach 
“Anastasia read my Akashic Records a while ago and we have worked together since then.
Her reading has changed the way I see life and myself, has made me understand why I feel the way I feel, and accept some things as mine instead of fight them.
It was intense, profound, life changing.
She is lovely and firm, sweet and profound, she is everything you need to take the next step.
Thank you lovely for walking with me”
Laura ForteSpiritual Life Coach 
“Anastasia was an Angel in my life!
Her reading and coaching were decisive to set my goals and take my life and my business to the next step by the end of last year.
I am confident, happier and I have set boundaries to have work life balance again. After the first session I could love, understand and be proud of who I am.
Thank you so much. Can’t wait to continue our coaching work.”
Luciana Tworkoski BritoIntegrated Therapist 
“Anastasia is amazing, let me just start off with that. Not only is she an amazing person, she is wonderful at what she does.
Anastasia is passionate about what she does, and it reflects through her work. I’ve been wanting to get a reading of my akashic records done by her for quite some time, yet I always put it off. I was at a point in my life where something inside me told me if I wanted change in my life I had to get it done. Let me tell you, this was the best decision I could have ever made, nothing short of life changing.
Ever since my session with Anastasia my life has been improving rapidly without much effort. I was the type of person to always judge and second guess myself. This compleatly went away for me over night. It’s almost as if this feeling did not exist inside me anymore. I am more confident and feel the clearing of the blockages that were disableing me from my true potential. I highly recommend Anastasia if you are looking to improve your life and make the changes you didn’t know were possible. Her passion and gift will truly change your life and lead you on your path to your souls true purpose.”
Nicole Korossy Nagy 
“It has been very empowering for me to work with Anastasia, in the 3 month manifesting program she offers! Through our working together, she made me feel supported and she helped me reestablish my then waivering trust in my ability to accomplish my goals! I now have a better clarity of what works and what doesn’t for me. I feel more focused overall and specificly on how about to go and achieve my goals! Anastasia’s methodic and also personal and open way of working helped me to trust myself, get in touch with my power, and feel very optimistic that I am on the path of fulfilling my goals! I am thankful and grateful of our collaboration as well as our friendship!”
Corinna MichealidouIntegrative Mental Health Councelor 
“Anastasia is a life changer!
She came in my life in a time when I needed to do some really deep healing of my traumas from my past and knew she was the one that could help me with this!
And boy was I right!
Through healing and guidance through the Akashic Records during our 3 months working together I was amazed at how much I learned about myself, gained so much clarity in moving forward as a result of seeing how my past lives affected me in this lifetime and her motivation and support in my life and business.
She taught me how to live in alignment with my true self and to create abundance in a way I never did before! I have the knowledge and courage to now move forward, leaving the wreckage of my past behind me and I’m excited to move forward with confidence and without fear and build and life and business that I never knew was possible!
Thank you Anastasia!”
Katerina KarpenPsychic Healer and Mentor 

To be energized and feel deep inside of you that things are working. to be healthy and free of the limitations..

your Life
Read here about the possible ways you can transform your health and the steps you can follow to see the desired results

if you… have big goals in life, health and/or business know you are here to do and experience more love…